This 4-week Activity Course is a dynamic class that introduces activities from a range of dogs sports to build on your earlier foundation training. In this class you and your dog will bond more deeply while keeping fit and having fun jumping, weaving and navigating obstacle courses together.

  • Date:19-10-2024 08:00 AM - 09-11-2024 08:00 AM
  • Location McMahon Drive, Bungendore NSW, Australia (Map)



Enrol now!

Cost : Four classes = $120 (loyalty card accepted)

Time : 8:00 - 8:45

Bungendore : Saturday - 19, 26, October and 2, 9 November

To enrol please complete the following form. This will ensure this class it right for you and assist us with keeping all dogs happy and safe.

 CBA - Class Enrolment Form.docx